
Your donation to the Pittston Memorial Library helps provide books, programming for all ages, computers, research tools and much, much more. No gift is too small! Your gift to the library helps us promote literacy and learning throughout the Greater Pittston area. Monetary donations are tax deductible.

Monetary Donations

Clicking on the link below will take you to a secure site where you can make your tax-deductible donation.

You can also come into the library to make donation via cash, check, credit card, or mail to:
47 Broad Street
Pittston, PA 18640

Amazon Wish List

Click here to help with our Amazon Wish List!

Cosgrove Endowment

A community is defined as a group of people with a common characteristic living together within a larger society. As a member of the Greater Pittston Community, there is one commonality that defines who we are – a flourishing public library. This is not a service that we can simply take for granted, especially with government funding no longer available on many levels. It requires the participation and support of all who enjoy the many educational, cultural and community events that the Pittston Memorial Library has to offer. The Trustees of the library invite you to become a key player in supporting one of our most vital community assets. Our library is the backbone support of a strong community – a place for people of all ages to learn, explore, and discover each other in common interests and events. As our technically enhanced environment continues to grow, the Pittston Memorial Library must also grow to meet the needs and offer the relevant services to our city. Please join us in this challenge.

Book Donations

We gladly accept your donation(s) of gently used books.* Please bring donations to the Circulation Desk during library hours. Please do not leave materials outside afterhours.

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*Any item donated becomes the property of the Pittston Memorial Library and use is at the discretion of the Library Director once accepted.

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Did You Know?

The Pittston Memorial Library has been serving
the Greater Pittston Area since 1951!

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